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- ; Outlook PRF file for Exchange Server users
- ; -------------------------------------------
- ; Copyright (C), Microsoft Corporation, 1996.
- ;
- ; The following PRF file is included as an example of how to create a PRF file that will
- ; configure Outlook users with Exchange Server. Section 1, 2, and 3 may be modified.
- ; DO NOT MODIFY SECTION 4. It will most likely cause Exchange services to crash.
- ; Be very careful when editing to ensure property values match their property types.
- ; NOTE: The HomeServer setting for the Microsoft Exchange Server must be filled in
- ; before using this file.
- ;
- ; For information about how to disable Outlook Profile Setup and instead use the
- ; the Inbox Setup Wizard, see NONE.PRF in the Office Resource Kit.
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Section 1 - Profile defaults.
- [General]
- Custom=1
- ; -- Required. Indicates that this is a customized PRF file.
- ProfileName=ZAKClient
- DefaultProfile=yes
- OverwriteProfile=yes
- DefaultStore=Service2
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Section 2 - Services in profile.
- [Service List]
- Service1=Microsoft Outlook Client
- Service2=Microsoft Exchange Server
- Service3=Outlook Address Book
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Section 3 - Default values for each service.
- [Service1]
- EmptyWastebasket=FALSE
- SelectEntireWord=TRUE
- AfterMoveMessage=2
- CloseOriginalMessage=FALSE
- GenReadReceipt=FALSE
- GenDeliveryReceipt=FALSE
- DefaultSensitivity=0
- DefaultPriority=1
- SaveSentMail=TRUE
- [Service2]
- ConversionProhibited=TRUE
- HomeServer=<exchange-server-to-use>
- ; Required.
- ; -- The name of the Microsoft Exchange Server the user should
- ; connect to. You can specify any Microsoft Exchange Server
- ; in your site, and the correct Home Server will be assigned
- ; when the user first logs on.
- [Service3]
- Ben=TRUE
- ; -- Dummy property. Do not delete or modify.
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Section 4 - Mapping for profile properties. DO NOT MODIFY.
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Microsoft Outlook Client definitions
- [Microsoft Outlook Client]
- SectionGUID=0a0d020000000000c000000000000046
- EmptyWastebasket=PT_BOOLEAN,0x0115
- ; -- A boolean value indicating whether or not to empty the
- ; wastebasket on exit.
- SelectEntireWord=PT_BOOLEAN,0x0118
- ; -- A boolean value indicating whether or not to select entire
- ; words when selecting.
- AfterMoveMessage=PT_LONG,0x013B
- ; -- Indicates what to do after moving or deleting a message.
- ; Possible values are shown below:
- ; 0 - Open Next Message
- ; 1 - Return to Viewer
- ; 2 - Open Previous Message
- CloseOriginalMessage=PT_BOOLEAN,0x0132
- ; -- A boolean value indicating whether or not to close the
- ; original message after replying.
- GenReadReceipt=PT_BOOLEAN,0x0141
- ; -- A boolean value indicating whether or not to generate
- ; a read receipt on sent mail.
- GenDeliveryReceipt=PT_BOOLEAN,0x014C
- ; -- A boolean value indicating whether or not to generate
- ; a delivery receipt on sent mail.
- DefaultSensitivity=PT_LONG,0x014F
- ; -- The default sensitivity to send mail with.
- ; Possible values are shown below:
- ; 0 - Normal
- ; 1 - Personal
- ; 2 - Private
- ; 3 - Confidential
- DefaultPriority=PT_LONG,0x0140
- ; -- The default priority to send mail with.
- ; Possible values are shown below:
- ; 0 - Low
- ; 1 - Normal
- ; 2 - High
- SaveSentMail=PT_BOOLEAN,0x0142
- ; -- A boolean value indicating whether to save a copy of
- ; sent messages in the sent items folder.
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Microsoft Exchange Server service definitions.
- [Microsoft Exchange Server]
- ServiceName=MSEMS
- MDBGUID=5494A1C0297F101BA58708002B2A2517
- MailboxName=PT_STRING8,0x6607
- ; -- The name of the user's Exchange Server Mailbox
- HomeServer=PT_STRING8,0x6608
- ; -- The name of the Microsoft Exchange Server the user should
- ; connect to. You can specify any Microsoft Exchange Server
- ; in your site, and the correct Home Server will be assigned
- ; when the user first logs on.
- OfflineFolderPath=PT_STRING8,0x6610
- ; -- The path to the Offline Store File that contains
- ; local replicas of the user's Mailbox and Favorites.
- ; If you do not specify a value, no Offline Store will
- ; be created. If you specify a path, an Offline Store
- ; will be created and the Inbox, Outbox, Deleted Items,
- ; and Sent Items folders will be replicated to it.
- OfflineAddressBookPath=PT_STRING8,0x660E
- ; -- The path to the directory to store offline address
- ; book files in.
- ExchangeConfigFlags=PT_LONG,0x6601
- ; -- Flags that control behavior when connecting to the Exchange
- ; Server.
- ; The following values are possible:
- ; 4 Normal
- ; 6 Ask whether to connect or work offline at startup.
- ; 12 Allow clients to be authenticated via the Internet
- ; 14 Combination of 6 and 12.
- ConversionProhibited=PT_BOOLEAN,0x3A03
- ; -- A boolean value indicating whether NEWPROF should
- ; attempt to resolve the Exchange mailbox name at run time.
- ; If set to TRUE, NEWPROF will copy the name to the profile
- ; without resolving it.
- ; If FALSE, the name will be resolved. Invalid server or
- ; mailbox name will not be copied to the profile.
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Microsoft Mail service definitions.
- [Microsoft Mail]
- ServiceName=MSFS
- ; -- The path to the users post office. Mapped network drives, UNC and NETWARE paths
- ; are acceptable. NETWARE paths of the type NWServer/share:dir\dir1 are converted to
- ; UNC paths of the type \\NWServer\share\dir\dir1.
- ServerPath=PT_STRING8,0x6600
- ; -- The users mailbox name. eg. in a NET/PO/USER address,
- ; this is USER. The maximum mailbox name is 10 characters.
- Mailbox=PT_STRING8,0x6601
- ; -- The users mailbox password. The maximum password is 8 characters.
- Password=PT_STRING8,0x67f0
- ; -- A boolean value indicating whether the users password is
- ; to be remembered in the profile or not. This is useful because
- ; if the password is remembered the user can bypass the logon prompt
- ; if his server path, mailbox name and password are all supplied.
- RememberPassword=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6606
- ; -- The connection type. This may be one of CFG_CONN_AUTO, CFG_CONN_LAN,
- ; CFG_CONN_REMOTE, CFG_CONN_OFFLINE as defined below.
- ;
- ; 0x0 -- LAN type connection. Used to connect to the post office using a
- ; UNC path or pre-existing mapped drive.
- ; 0x1 -- Dial up connection using Dial-up Networking.
- ; 0x2 -- Not connected.
- ; 0x3 -- Automatically detect whether the connection type is LAN or REMOTE.
- ; This connection type is only available on Win95.
- ConnectionType=PT_LONG,0x6603
- ; -- A boolean value indicating whether session logging
- ; is on or off.
- UseSessionLog=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6604
- ; -- The path to the session log file.
- SessionLogPath=PT_STRING8,0x6605
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates whether mail in the outbox
- ; is sent.
- EnableUpload=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6620
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates whether mail in the server
- ; mailbag is downloaded.
- EnableDownload=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6621
- ; -- A bit array which allows the user to indicate which addresses
- ; for which the transport is to attempt delivery. This is useful
- ; in order to allow a user to specify that a transport only handle
- ; delivery for a subset of the addresses it can really process.
- ; When multiple transports are installed and the user wants a
- ; different transport to handle some specific address types they
- ; can use this bit array to specify that the MSMAIL transport
- ; only handle a specific set of addresses.
- ;
- ; Possible values as defined below include:
- ;
- ; 0x00000001 -- Local Post Office and External Post Office address types
- ; 0x00000002 -- PROFS address types
- ; 0x00000004 -- SNADS address types
- ; 0x00000008 -- MCI address types
- ; 0x00000010 -- X.400 address types
- ; 0x00000040 -- FAX address types
- ; 0x00000080 -- MHS address types
- ; 0x00000100 -- SMTP address types
- ; 0x00000800 -- OfficeVision address types
- ; 0x00001000 -- MacMail address types
- ; 0x000019df -- All of the above address types
- UploadMask=PT_LONG,0x6622
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates whether a netbios notification
- ; is sent to a recipients transport when mail is delivered to
- ; their server inbox.
- NetBiosNotification=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6623
- ; -- The polling interval in minutes when the transport
- ; checks for new mail. 1 <= polling interval <= 9999
- NewMailPollInterval=PT_STRING8,0x6624
- ; -- A boolean value which, if TRUE, only displays the Microsoft Mail Global Address
- ; list for name selection. The Postoffice list, external post office lists, and gateway
- ; address lists are not shown.
- DisplayGalOnly=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6625
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates whether the user wants to enable
- ; headers while working on the LAN. Headers mode allows the user
- ; to download message headers and selectively choose which mail
- ; to download.
- UseHeadersOnLAN=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6630
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates whether the user wants to use
- ; name resolution based on a local copy of the server address book
- ; rather than the server address book itself.
- UseLocalAdressBookOnLAN=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6631
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates whether EXTERNAL.EXE, a server process, should be used
- ; to deliver submitted mail messages. This is sometimes useful when mail is running
- ; on a slow LAN connection.
- UseExternalToHelpDeliverOnLAN=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6632
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates whether the user wants to enable
- ; headers while working over a slow speed link. Headers mode
- ; allows the user to download message headers and selectively
- ; choose which mail to download.
- UseHeadersOnRAS=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6640
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates whether the user wants to use
- ; name resolution based on a local copy of the server address book
- ; rather than the server address book itself.
- UseLocalAdressBookOnRAS=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6641
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates whether EXTERNAL.EXE, a server process, should be used
- ; to deliver submitted mail messages. This speeds up message delivery when mail is
- ; running on a Dial-up network connection.
- UseExternalToHelpDeliverOnRAS=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6639
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates that a Dial-up Network connection should
- ; be established when the transport provider starts up.
- ConnectOnStartup=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6642
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates that a Dial-up Network connection should
- ; be automatically terminated when headers are finished downloading.
- DisconnectAfterRetrieveHeaders=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6643
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates that a Dial-up Network connection should
- ; be automatically terminated after mail has finished being sent
- ; received.
- DisconnectAfterRetrieveMail=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6644
- ; -- A boolean value which indicates that a Dial-up Network connection should
- ; be automatically terminated when the provider is exited.
- DisconnectOnExit=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6645
- ; -- The name of the Dial-up Network profile that the transport will use by
- ; default to attempt the connection.
- DefaultDialupConnectionName=PT_STRING8,0x6646
- ; -- Number of times to attempt dial for connection.
- ; 1 <= retry attempts <= 9999
- DialupRetryCount=PT_STRING8,0x6648
- ; -- Delay between retry attempts in seconds.
- ; 30 <= retry delay <= 9999
- DialupRetryDelay=PT_STRING8,0x6649
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Personal Folders service definitions.
- [Personal Folders]
- ServiceName=MSPST MS
- ; -- Path to personal folders.
- PathToPersonalFolders=PT_STRING8,0x6700
- ; -- A boolean value that determines if the personal folders password
- ; should be cached.
- RememberPassword=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6701
- ; -- A value that designates the type of encryption that is used to
- ; compress the data in the PST:
- ;
- ; No Encryption 0x80000000
- ; Compressable Encryption 0x40000000
- ; Best Encryption 0x20000000
- EncryptionType=PT_LONG,0x6702
- ; -- PST password.
- Password=PT_STRING8,0x6703
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Personal Address Book service definitions.
- [Personal Address Book]
- ServiceName=MSPST AB
- ; -- Path to personal address book.
- PathToPersonalAddressBook=PT_STRING8,0x6600
- ; -- Determines if PAB entries are first, last, or last, first.
- ;
- ; first last 0
- ; last, first 1
- ViewOrder=PT_LONG,0x6601
- ; ************************************************************************
- ; Outlook Address Book service definitions.
- [Outlook Address Book]
- ServiceName=CONTAB
- Ben=PT_STRING8,0x6700
- ; -- Dummy property. Do not modify.